Basic Spiritual Coaching Skills - Terry Robinette, Instructor
Basic Spiritual Coach Skills Course
3 Week Tele-Conference Course
SPECIAL NOTICE: Immediately after your purchase you will receive an email receipt and within that receipt. Within 24 hours of your purchase Terry Robinette the Instructor will contact you.
Prerequisite Course: Professional Practices, Ethics and Informed Consent Forms
You will learn in detail via teaching and actual practice how to perform each of the following skill easily and effectively.
Making Requests & Active Listening Skills:
Coaches empower their clients by making simple requests then they Actively Listen which is the process of repeating back to the speaker, what you heard in your own words.
Reflective Listening, Supporting, Endorsing and Thanking Skills
Reflective Listening is a process of listening to the feelings underlying the words the person is speaking. We support them by saying: "I support you in continuing to...". More powerful than recognizing and acknowledging, is the act of endorsing. When we feel it is inappropriate to either support or endorse the other person, our best alternative is to thank them for sharing and move on.
Choices, Assignments and Contracts Skills We all like choices. Offer us a choice and we'll usually pick one. The most powerful request we can make is to request our client to do something before the next session. When your clients say they'll do something and don't. Learn to create a contract.
Final Oral Demo of the Skills
You will demonstrate all of the skills in a Final Session with your Instructor and or a practice partner.
A pdf Printable Study Guide and Personal Instruction for a 3 Week Course.